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Aero Healthcare 24-Pack of Artificial Lungs for Brayden Manikins





Aero Healthcare
When equipped with these artificial lungs, the Brayden Manikin can effectively simulate the flow of air through a ...
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When equipped with these artificial lungs, the Brayden Manikin can effectively simulate the flow of air through a patient’s body during CPR.

  • Artificial lungs can be placed inside the chest cavity of the Brayden Manikin and attached to the airway valve that forms the “throat” of the manikin
  • During CPR, the air students provide to the manikin filters through the lungs and causes the chest to rise, effectively simulating the breathing of a patient receiving CPR
  • Air filtered through the manikin’s lungs exits through the back of his head, so students never come into contact with exhaled air and the risk of cross contamination is reduced