- You'll become familiar with retrieving your pepper spray, grasping it properly, unlocking the spray, and deploying.
- The first time you deploy your spray SHOULD NOT be in a potentially stressful situation.
- When you become proficient with the practice spray, you'll be more prepared to use pepper spray in a real life emergency.
- Through target practice, you'll become familiar with the spray pattern and deployment range, and your accuracy will improve.
- Practice deploying the spray with one hand in order to leave one hand free.
- A great way to become familiar without using pepper spray.
- Available as a Hard Case, ½ oz Canister, and as a replacement cartridge for your SABRE Red Spitfire.
- A low cost way to maximize your safety.
Important: Before deciding to purchase a pepper spray, you should check with your local law enforcement department for specific laws on possession of, permissible uses of, and restrictions on pepper spray products in your city, county, or state. Click here to see a list of state regulations regarding the use of pepper spray.