IFSTAIFSTA Essentials of Firefighting Course Workbook, 6th Edition
The IFSTA Essentials of Firefighting Course Workbook allows students to review the material in Essentials of Firefighting and Fire Department Operations (6th Edition) by chapter in order to enrich face-to-face classroom discussion. The workbook is divided and color coded according to certification level: Firefighter I (yellow) and Firefighter II (red). The book includes a total of 2,299 questions covering all 24 chapters of the Essentials of Firefighting and Fire Department Operations manual. The types of questions include true/false, fill-in-the-blank, picture identification, matching, multiple choice, short answer, scenarios, and key term crossword puzzles. Each question includes a reference to the page in the manual where the answer can be found. The workbook is ideal for homework assignments before classroom lessons or reinforcement or review after classroom learning. 6th Edition.
IFSTA (International Fire Service Training Association) is an association of fire service personnel who are dedicated to upgrading fire fighting techniques and safety through training. Fire Protection Publications (FPP) is a division within Oklahoma State University and the world's leading publisher of training materials for the fire and emergency services. FPP serves as the headquarters for the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA).